Caviness & Cates ENERGY PLUS Qualified homes are designed and built to provide greater energy efficiency and comfort. What does that mean?
Lowered cost of ownership and energy bills. The EPA's ENERGY PLUS standards require the home to be at least 15% more efficient than typical code built homes ( 2004 International Residential Code (IRC) and include additional energy-saving features that typically make them 20-30% more efficient than standard homes.How you benefit from a Caviness & Cates ENERGY PLUS qualified home:
Greater Comfort: ENERGY PLUS standards improve overall comfort through minimizing uneven temperatures, more effectively distributing air and better regulating temperature and humidity variations.
Peace of Mind: Independent, third-party energy raters randomly inspect and test selected homes and features during construction to confirm ENERGY PLUS qualifications are being followed.
Environmentally Responsible: Because Energy Plus qualified homes are designed to be more energy efficient, they help reduce your home's carbon footprint.
To learn more about features included in Caviness & Cates Energy Plus homes, visit us here.